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Automating and Customizing Data Processing Using DIAdem Course Overview

The Automating and Customizing Data Processing Using DIAdem Course teaches you how to automate common tasks in the DIAdem panels with DIAdem’s standard VBScript commands. You also learn how to customize the DIAdem environment by creating user-defined dialog boxes, user commands and custom menus, which enable you to use DIAdem as the basis for complex applications.

Course Objectives:

  • Automate DIAdem using VBScript
  • Use standard dialog boxes
  • Design user-defined dialog boxes
  • Create user-defined variables and commands
  • Control the script sequence
  • Define functions and procedures
  • Optimize and structure scripts
  • Programmatically handle files
  • Import data with SQL queries in VBScript

Course Details:


  • Instructor-led Classroom: Two (2) days


  • DIAdem users who have taken the DIAdem Basics Course or have equivalent experience
  • DIAdem users who want to learn how to programmatically control DIAdem
  • Integrators who are tasked with developing technical data management solutions


  • Exploring Data Interactively Using DIAdem

Automating and Customizing Data Processing Using DIAdem with Python Course Outline

Introduction to DIAdem SCRIPTExplore the work area in DIAdem SCRIPT to automate recurring procedures and standard evaluations.Application Areas of DIAdem SCRIPTDIAdem SCRIPT WorkspaceDIAdem SCRIPT Functions
VBS FunctionalityExplore Visual Basic Script (VBS), data types, and the usage of variables, functions, and procedures.Introduction to VBS​Standard VBS OperationsStructured VBS Programming​
Working with the Debugger​Use the debugger that is integrated in the editor to check scripts for errors.​Debugger and Information AreaDebugging Errors​Handling Errors in Scripts​​
Creating and Editing Scripts​Use the editor that is integrated in the DIAdem SCRIPT workspace to edit scripts. ​Creating a Script​Starting and Stopping a Script​Integrating a Script in the DIAdem Interface​Tools for Creating Scripts​
Variables and Commands in Scripts​Explore different types of variables in DIAdem, their value ranges, and the environments in which you use them.​DIAdem Variables​DIAdem Commands in Scripts​Selected DIAdem Commands​Defining and Using User Commands​
Dialog Boxes in Scripts​Use dialog boxes to configure functions, specify settings, select properties, and enter custom settings.​Calling Standard Dialog Boxes​Creating User Dialog Boxes​VBS in User Dialog Boxes​
Working in the DIAdem Panels​Explore the objects in the various DIAdem panels and learn how to modify them.​Working with DIAdem REPORTWorking with DIAdem VIEW​Working with Internal Data​Working with DIAdem NAVIGATOR​
Customizing DIAdem​Explore how to customize DIAdem standard functionalities and the user interface for special applications.​Launching DIAdem with Parameters​Showing DIAdem in Full Screen Mode​Working with the Bar Manager​
Extended Script Options​Explore how to define a class and to use its objects, for example, to access databases.​Working with Objects​Accessing Databases​
Creating DataPlugins​Explore how to create DataPlugins in order to index, search, and load additional data formats.​General Information about DataPlugins​DataPlugin Objects​
Parallel Processing​Explore how to use all computer processor kernels to execute scripts simultaneously. ​Overview of Parallel Processing​Special Features of Worker Programming​