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Electrical Engineering

Analog Discovery Pro 5000 Series

The Analog Discovery Pro 5000 series, designed for professional engineers who need reliable and powerful tools, is now available.

With up to four oscilloscope channels at 2 GS/s and 500 MHz bandwidth each, over 30 logic analyzer channels, a built-in dedicated multimeter, programmable power supplies, and a function generator, the ADP5000 series provides a robust foundation for comprehensive analysis and testing.

Digilent WebDAQs

Meet the WebDAQ series of stand alone universal input data loggers, giving engineers the ability to monitor and control their systems remotely.

By using the embedded WebDAQ web server, users can easily configure simple or sophisticated applications, log data, update digital outputs and/or send notifications based on alarm conditions, and view real-time data from any location and any device with a web browser.

You’ll easily be able to configure simple or sophisticated applications, log data, update digital outputs and/or send notifications based on alarm conditions, and view all your data from any location.

Zmod SDR: SYZYGY-compatible Analog-to-Digital Converter Module for Software-Defined Radio

The Digilent Zmod SDR is a digitizer designed for software-defined radio and RF applications. It is a SYZYGY™-compatible pod containing a dual-channel ADC and the associated front end. The Zmod SDR is intended to be used with any SYZYGY™ compatible carrier board. It features a wide input bandwidth, allowing for under-sampling applications – capturing signals with frequencies much higher than the baseline 122.88 MS/s sample rate’s associated Nyquist frequency. An on-board low-jitter clock generator and low-noise design provide the precision necessary to capture fast radio signals. When paired with an Eclypse Z7 host board, the Zmod is supported in GNU Radio, providing a convenient and familiar interface for SDR experts and researchers.

Analog Parts Kit by Analog Devices: Companion Parts Kit for the Analog Discovery

Whether you are getting started or a long time engineer picking a selection of parts to stock a lab can be a daunting task. Parts Kits provide a useful selection of parts to help get started. The Analog Parts Kit (ADALP2000) contains a large selection of components perfect for creating a wide variety of useful circuits and devices. Featuring components from Analog Devices®, the kit includes transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes, sensors, and a variety of useful ICs including op-amps, convertors, and regulators. Finally, the kit also comes with an assortment of lead wires, a solderless breadboard, and a screwdriver.

Analog Discovery Pro ADP2230

ADP2230 is a mixed-signal oscilloscope (MSO) that allows users to measure, visualize, generate, record, and control circuits of all kinds. The ADP2230 shares a common design and specs with our Analog Discovery 3 like number of channels, bandwidth, sample rate, etc. The ADP2230 offers feature enhancements with the professional engineer in mind including:

  • Increased buffer size for extended data collection
  • BNC connectors
  • Sturdy, aluminum housing

Analog Discovery 3

Digilent’s latest multi-function test and measurement device, also known as the AD3, is a digital oscilloscope, logic analyzer, waveform generator, pattern generator, and much more.

The Analog Discovery 3 boasts a larger-than-ever buffer size, allowing more data to be sent through the waveform generator and received through the mixed signal (analog and digital) oscilloscope. It also has an increased sampling rate of up to 125 MS/s on all channels and a more potent power supply (up to 800 mA). The larger buffers allow you to capture longer records at high resolution and enable more complex AWG signals. Modulated AWG signals also take advantage of larger buffers, and more complex modulated signals have been added including phase modulation and summation.

Analog Discovery Pro 3000 Series: Portable High Resolution Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

Devices in the Analog Discovery Pro 3000 series provide the utility of professional benchtop equipment with the flexibility of a portable instrument. With myriad choices available for test and measurement devices, adding to your benchtop can be a daunting task, especially sorting through which features on your new instrument are included versus what you’ll need to pay extra for. With the ADP3450, every listed feature is an included feature, making it an investment that will last – at a price without surprises.

Analog Discovery Pro ADP5250

Designed to combine a complete set of instruments into a flexible and programmable device, the ADP5250 features a mixed-signal oscilloscope with two 100 MHz bandwidth, 1 GS/s analog channels, 34 digital channels, a tri-output power supply capable of up to 25 V, an external trigger, Waveform Generator, and a built-in programmable DMM. This is the first instrument with full DMM capabilities including true current and resistance measurement and a 300 V input range.

Analog Discovery Studio

The Analog Discovery Studio is a fully functional, portable test and measurement device that can turn any cross-functional space into a pop-up electronics laboratory. Equipped with 13 instruments, including an Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer, Waveform Generator, and more; the Analog Discovery Studio provides an entire stack of bench-top instruments with a convenient, replaceable, and breadboardable interface, perfect for enabling student learning anywhere.

Digital Discovery

The Digilent Digital Discovery™ is a combined logic analyzer, protocol analyzer, and pattern generator instrument that was created to be the ultimate embedded development companion compatible with a wide variety of digital systems. Digital Discovery was designed to optimize channels, speed, and portability. A small form factor facilitates easy storage and provides a whole suite of advanced features to allow you to debug, visualize, and simulate digital signals for most embedded projects.