Software Defined Test & Measurement
With the rapid inflection of technology in today’s modern industrial products – software-defined automated test & measurement solutions based on the PXI modular platform & supporting modern software paradigms – are essential to keep up with the complexity of test, reduced budgets and project times by re-using test IP, assets and allowing for future upgradeability.

NI LabVIEW+ Suite
The LabVIEW+ Suite is built for test professionals in electronics and electromechanical test. It provides software solutions to reduce development time, increase data usage, and prevent rework.
Learn how LabVIEW+ Suite Software Complements LabVIEW!

Automated Design Validation & Verification
Use leading Automated Test platforms to validate complex designs by bringing new technology to market faster, with confidence, in-time and...

Automated Functional Test in Production
Standardize your manufacturing test for complex devices, using modular commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware across factories, across products to...

Benchtop Testing
Get the best of both worlds – interactive modern touch interface ready to use benchtop instruments and software-centric upgradeability for...
Automated Test Solutions
PCB System-Level Power Tests
Design Verification & Validation
mmW-SDR: Accelerate Your Wireless Innovations
Validate Antenna-on-Display (AoD) with TMYTEK mmW-SDR
Explore a variety of resources developed by industry experts, including whitepapers, case studies, application notes and more.
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