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Architecting Test Systems Using TestStand Course

Building on the Developing Test Programs Using TestStand Course, the Architecting Test Systems Using TestStand Course covers how to customize TestStand to further meet your testing needs. You will work through a series of system-design scenarios that teach you to identify when and how to modify different components of the TestStand framework to satisfy your test system requirements.

Course Details:


  • Instructor-led Classroom: Two (2) Days


  • TestStand users tasked with customizing various components of the TestStand framework
  • TestStand users pursuing the Certified TestStand Architect certification


  • Developing Test Programs Using TestStand course or equivalent experience
  • Ability to design and develop a test sequence in TestStand that includes subsequences and calls to external code modules
  • Ability to describe the purpose of a process model and execute a test sequence using an execution entry point
  • Familiarity with LabVIEW, LabWindows™/CVI or C programming
  • Recommended Courses (depending on your code development application): LabVIEW Core 1 Course or LabWindows™/CVI Core 1 Course

After attending this course, you will be able to:

  • Create and customize process models to modify test execution across multiple sequences
  • Customize the contents of a test report
  • Create custom step types to support test developers
  • Use the TestStand API to control TestStand programmatically
  • Create and customize user interfaces
  • Conduct a code review for a test program
  • Manage deployment of your test framework

Architecting Test Systems Using TestStand Course Outline

Responsibilities of the Test Sequence Developer and the Test Framework ArchitectDetermine which development decisions should be made by sequence developers versus framework architects.​Responsibilities of the Test Sequence Developer​Responsibilities of the Test Framework Architect​
Modifying Execution Across All Sequences​Select and implement an appropriate approach to modifying the execution of all test sequences on a test station.​Customizing a Process Model​Implementing Optional Framework Components​Modifying Execution Across All Process Models​
Selecting a Result Processing Strategy​Choose and implement a result processing strategy that is appropriate for the needs of a test framework.​Choosing a Mechanism for Logging Data​Choosing a Report Configuration​Modifying the Code that Generates the Report​ 
Creating Customized Step Types​Create step types to provide a consistent set of reusable components to all test developers.​Creating a Custom Step Type​Executing Code Before or After a Module​Customizing Step Type Properties​TestStand Type Management Best Practices​ 
Using TestStand APIs to Programmatically Control TestStandUse the TestStand API to develop code that programmatically interacts with TestStand.​What Is the TestStand API?​Accessing the TestStand API​Logging Results Dynamically​Programmatically Editing or Creating a Sequence​Developing Code Modules that Interact with TestStand​  
Creating a Custom User Interface​Implement a custom user interface (UI) to simplify the testing procedure for test operators.​Customizing UI Functionality Based on User Role​Using TestStand Controls to Build a UI​Handling TestStand Events in a UI​Using Native Controls to Build a UI​Communicating between the UI and the Test System​
Conducting TestStand Code Reviews​Explore the various tools and techniques you can use to assist with conducting a TestStand code review.​Enforcing Development Standards and Best Practices​Tools for Reviewing Sequence Files​
Managing a TestStand Deployment Explore the different approaches you can use to ensure the framework is deployable to developers and the system is deployable to the end user. Distributing Your Framework to Test Developers Making Incremental Updates to the Test System  
Improving TestStand System Performance Optimize the performance of test stations developed with TestStand. Optimizing the Execution Options for a Test Sequence Improving Sequence File Load Performance Improving Code Module Performance Improving Test Performance through Parallel Testing Optimizing Hardware Usage Optimizing Result Processing 
Defining Policies for Code Module DevelopmentLearn the best practices for developing test system code modules and calling them for test sequences. Determining a Strategy for Code Module Development Choosing Where to Implement Functionality Defining a Strategy for Using Instrumentation within Code Modules